Prior to moving to a new home, it’s important to ensure that all of your family members are as comfortable as possible – including your pets. This is because pets can often be extremely sensitive when it comes to moving, no matter how far away your new home is. Planning is extremely important, which means that you should make note of the following useful tips.
Prior to your move, especially if you will be moving to an apartment or a new state, take the time to gather together all of the proper documentation that proves your pet has received all of the proper vaccinations and other types of inspections. Here are some other guidelines to make note of:
*Rules Per State: Every state has different rules and regulations when it comes to pet owners. Consider contacting a vet office for more information.
*Local Ordinances: If you will be moving to a new city, be sure to contact the City Clerk’s office for information regarding local ordinances involving pets. These ordinances may involve leash laws, pets per household, zoning laws, and more.
*Condos/Apartments: If you will be moving to either of these communities, chances are there will be rules regarding what types of pets you are allowed to have, if you are even allowed to have any at all. Be sure to take the time to read these regulations, especially if there will be any extra fees involved with having a pet.
*Health Certificates: Oftentimes, many states will require that you have some kind of a health certificate for dogs and/or cats, as well as other types of pets.
*Tags For Rabies: A majority of states require pet owners to have rabies tags for dogs, cats, and some types of exotic animals.
*Pet Permits: If you own an exotic pet and will be moving to a new state, there is the chance that you may have to purchase a permit before you will be allowed to bring it with you. Contact a local vet office for more information.
How Can My Pets Remain Safe During the Moving Process?
*Identification Tags: Place a collar on your pet that has one of these tags attached to it, provided your pet is able to wear a collar. This tag should include the name of your pet, as well as your address and phone number.
*Microchip: This is a useful way to help identify your pet, as doing this will place them into a recovery system in the event that they get loose. Once your pet is found, you will then be contacted. A pet that has been purchased from a location such as a breeder, pet store, etc. already is likely microchipped.
*Photograph: This is extremely useful to have on you at all times, as you can show this to all of your neighbors in the event that your pet somehow gets lost.
*Collars/Leashes: A collar is especially useful during travel either in a car or on an airplane. Additionally, a leash is also useful, especially if you are waiting for a new fence to be built and you need a way to keep your dog in your yard.
*Pet Carrier: If you plan to travel by airplane, your pet will be required to be placed in a carrier while in the cabin. If you will be traveling by car, pets who are in a carrier are often less stressed than they would be if they were outside of one.
*Official Records: This is perhaps the best way to ensure that your pet gets all of the proper care that they need. These records can be obtained by visiting your local vet office.
As an Austin moving company we understand how important the safety and transport of pets are to their owners. Often times it is overlooked as one of the most important parts of a move. Feel free to give us a call if you have any more questions on this topic.